and Motion Picture & TV Fund Collaborate To
Assist California Actors Who Lose Health Coverage
Relief Provided to Members Meeting Eligibility Requirements
Hills, CA) -- In an unprecedented effort to address the
growing problem of uninsured entertainment industry
members, the Screen Actors Guild Foundation (SAG
Foundation) and the Motion Picture & Television Fund (MPTF)
have developed a program that provides temporary emergency
financial assistance to California SAG members who
experience a loss of health insurance coverage.
Assisted by a grant provided by the SAG Foundation, MPTF
will provide insurance counseling, referrals, and partial
premium subsidies to eligible California SAG members who
lose their health insurance coverage. Program
participation will be determined through an eligibility
process that pertains to California SAG members who have
modest or unavailable resources – less than $15,000 in
cash assets, and who have earned at least $7,500 each
year, for three out of the last six years. Once
eligibility is established and an application is approved,
aid will be disbursed within three days.
MPTF, which offers health care, children’s daycare,
charitable and social services and residential and
retirement services to the industry, has administered
insurance premium support programs in the past. According
to MPTF President and CEO David Tillman, M.D., health care
insurance coverage has been shown to be one of the top
concerns for industry members. “We have conducted
industry surveys that consistently reflect a deep concern
about health care, health coverage and ‘falling out of
eligibility’. We salute the Screen Actors Guild
Foundation for taking a leadership role, and working with
MPTF to deliver this vital Health Insurance Premium
Support Program to California SAG members.”
Tillman went on to note that the concept of ‘taking care
of our own’ began with a group including Mary Pickford,
Charlie Chaplin, Douglas Fairbanks and others when they
began the Motion Picture Relief Fund – now MPTF – more
than 82 years ago. They believed in helping their
colleagues who were down on their luck. “It’s fitting
that the SAG Foundation has stepped forward to renew that
commitment to caring, working hand-in-hand with MPTF,”
he said.
Mitchell Ryan, President of the SAG Foundation, notes that
the entertainment field is characterized by fluctuating
work and job opportunities. “It is not unusual for our
members to find that meeting life’s basic necessities
can be difficult under such changeable circumstances. The
SAG Foundation constantly seeks ways to help, and this
partnership with the Motion Picture & Television Fund
provides a wonderful mechanism for us to help ensure the
welfare of our SAG family.”
The grant program will be initiated in January, 2003.
Those interested in learning more about the program or
eligibility should call (818) 876-1265 for more
information. |
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