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The People's Pilot
Deadline Entry Fee
EXPIRED - December 01, 2002 $40
Award: WGA Minimum Development Deal with Brody Productions & representation of the project by the Shapiro-Lichtman Agency. 
Other Awards/Prizes: 2nd & 3rd Place. Representation of the project by Shapiro-Lichtman. 
The People’s Pilot is a chance for outsiders to contribute to the medium they love by creating the kind of series they want to see, without worrying about the politics of television network and cable channel sales.
Notification Date:  January 15, 2001

Eligibility: All writers who have never been employed to write a TV pilot.
Rules: Writer(s) must submit a 5 page TV series prospectus featuring characters, setting, and premise. No scripts needed.
Web Address: http://www.screenplaylit.com 
Contact & E-mail: David R. Williams
Contact Title: Competition Coordinator
Organization: TV Writer.Com/Brody Productions
Cloud Creek Ranch
422 West Carlisle Road
Westlake Village, CA 91361
United States
Phone: 810.283.1594  
Fax: 805.495.0399
Contest News - Press Releases
People's Pilot Finalists Announced
People's Pilot Semifinalists Announced
People's Pilot Announces Contest Winners
People's Pilot Finalists Announced
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