ASA Announce Quarterfinalists
The quarterfinalists of the American Screenwriters Association's 12th Annual International Screenplay Competition, co-sponsored by Gotham Writers' Workshop, have been announced.
The 106 quarterfinalist scripts were selected from more than 1,100 entries. The writers of these scripts represent 25 different states and nine countries, including: Australia, Brazil, Peru, Japan, Ireland, Taiwan, France, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States. All quarterfinalists will receive a professional script critique to help them further develop their project.
The quarterfinalist entries will be judged again and the top scores will advance to the final round. Finalists will be announced in May 2009 via an international press release. The winner will receive $10,000 in cash and a script development trip to Hollywood.
(Scripts are listed in alphabetical order by writer)
Kaine (Ken) Alozie, Blur
Donald Andreasen & Robert Pietri, Gallovision
Percy Angress, Lys Estrada
Percy Angress & Livia Linden, Sky Baby
Anita Arnold, The Statesman
Wayne Baltz & Terry Baltz, Henry
Alfredo Botello, 600 Seconds
Michael Bowen, Wrath
Tom Bragg & Jim Harkins, Surviving Without Poppa
Geoffrey Breuder, The Ace of Aces
Esther Burns, The Toilet Paper Chronicles
Craig Cambria (aka Daniel C. Jay), Canaries
A. Wayne Carter, Natural High
Dawn Coleman, The Christmas Wish
Steve Cousins, The Voyage to Artheyu
Jamie Crichton, Bogland
John Culton, The Queen's Mark
John Culton, The Jewel of Africa
Tom Cunningham, Critic of the Arts
Gwenhyver Davies, Crooked Arrows
Eric Dean, The Great Gus
Andre Dellerba, Step Beyond Life
James Doyle & Kevin Leonard, Dark Father
R. Brannan Doyle, Whisper Hollows
Allan durand, Willie Francis Must Die Again
Micah Dyer, Inhuman
June Escalante, The Mosaic Cow
Phil Ferriere, Atom Smashers
Danny Ferry, Zoom!
Sean Finnegan, Venice
Richard Furlin, How You Play the Game
Carl Garrett, Bloodlands
Carie Gross, Cautery
Jon Guerra, Palermo
Dan Gunderman, Jayhawkers
Ray Hale, The Naughty Boy
Amanda Hampson, The Olive Sisters
John Henderson, Front & Center
Stan Himes, Women In Pants
Adam Hong, Blood Snow
Yang Hu, The Red Road Home
Letty Hummel, The Enemy in the Castle
Helen Jacey, The Feud
Nathan Johnson, The Highbinder
Patrick Kadas, Maria Guadalupe
Michael Kaplan, Modern Meat
Stephen Kelly, The Missing Pilots
David Knoebel, Joyland
Michael Lea, Leviathan
Barry Leach, Grief from Madame Butterfly
Michal Leamer & Mary McHale , Born That Way
Lynne Lee, Dance My Heart Away
Lee Lennon-Costanzo & FJ Lennon, Warrior Queen
Ross Lesko, Mythology
Megan Marinello, Marital Training
Eric Mather, Quad
Anthony Meindl, Like This
Vonda Menard, Return to Darfur
Andrew Metz, Baby Face Tiger
Claudia Myers, As You Are
Yugo Nakamura, Happy Thanksgiving
Charles Nauman, Dark of Gold
Terry O'Brien, Flesh & Blood
Eoin J O'Connor, Church Island
John Orlock, The End of Summer Guest
Matthew Owens, Fortunate Cookie
Matthew Owens, Eccentricity
Lewis Papier, Jerusalem Idol
Shane Perez, Blood & Sand
Sawyer Perry, Wildlife
Sawyer Perry, Freakshow
Craig Phillips, Head Trip
Phillip Steven Pino, Acme
David Pirsig & Sue Bergsieker, Cho Mo
Sabir Pirzada, Please Abduct Me
Nick Reed, So Long, Boredom: The Baffled Elo
Rob Rex & Michael Stephan, Dead Man's Gulch
Paul Rosdy, Emir & Merima
David Rugely, Stunners
Xenia Rutherford, The Last Allison
John Sakson, Wedded To It
Allen Saulnier, The Stranger
H. Jeremy Schneider, Dragons
Kathleen Seeley, The Last of the Fianna
Odin Shafer, Bury Me In Fire
Tim Sheridan, A Young Person's Guide to a Lasting Peace in Vietnam
William Sikorski Jr. & William Sikorski III, Chosen One
William Sikorski Jr. & William Sikorski III, Gluttons
Timothy Jay Smith, Final Status
Dianne "Deni" Stallworth, Stealing Moments
Mark Stay, Eddie's Dead
Michael Strode, Blood Trail
Neil Swaab, Eddie Fantastic!
Eric Thompson & Patrick McNair, The Triangle
Craig Tiede, King of Hearts
BatSheva Vaknin, I Wanna Be Madonna
Christian Valenza, Test of Character
Gustavo Ventocilla, Critical
Mick Vison, The Gem of Atlantis
David Weston, Beneath the Desert
Kevin Shawn Wilson, Scion
Jeff Wolverton, Sherlock & Jack
Jimmy Wong, Journey of the Swordswoman
Megan Workley, Phoenix Nights
Stefan Wrenshall, Crust
Tony Zavaleta, Iron Horses
Contest info: ASA International Screenplay Competition
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