Amazing New Unique DVD Documentary On the Secret of Solomon's Temple Takes the World by Storm
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Dr Sandra Gaskin, a well-known metaphysical expert said, "I found it to be extremely thought-provoking and well presented. I think you’ll find as I did, that Gardiner is a metaphysical marvel and we are privileged to share in the fruits of his labors."
Dr John Jay Harper, an author and clinical hypnotherapist said "One of the most visually and musically synchronized DVDs that I have ever seen yet. This is the new cutting-edge in this genre beyond a doubt. In fact, after reading the book, then watching this author's Gnosis DVD, I was stunned to find that I, too, finally understood the secrets of Solomon's Temple and Freemasonry." He went on to commend the book of the same name, also recently released, "Read this book, then watch this DVD, and you too will become alive to the legends in your family tree and the "serpent power" spiraling within your body-mind-spirit awaiting to manifest a whole new life in the future from your blood, sweat, and tears shed in the past!"
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The DVD follows the author on a world-wide trail to uncover the secret of this enigmatic mystery and comes away with some startling new insights that are finding a home in a great many minds. Gardiner has now done over 400 radio interviews, recorded a Freemasonry documentary for Discovery Channel and several TV chat shows. Dozens and dozens of magazines from Italy to the USA are covering the amazing new discovery over the coming weeks.
The DVD was written, filmed and directed by the author, who said he wanted to maintain control due to the depth of the work. However it has been co-produced by one of the world's leading record companies, Reality Entertainment, who have such bands as Krokus, Marcy Playground and K.C. and the Sunshine Band in their fold.
So did the Temple exist? Not according to the author, who clearly shows that the evidence is sadly lacking, but that the truth is much more profound than anybody could imagine. One 32nd degree Freemason, out of the hundreds that have emailed the author, said "Thank you for showing me the truth behind the symbols I have been seeing for decades."
For more information and to see a trailer go to Website . The DVD and book are both widely available from most bookstores.
For more information or to book an interview with the author please email books@radikalbooks.com or info@reality-entertainment.com
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