From Music
The film features performances and interviews by Mick Sterling & the Stud Brothers, Ricky Peterson, Melanie Rosales, Mark Lickteig, Debbie Duncan, Steve Raitt, and GB Leighton with fiercely talented musicians too many to mention. These are rare performances, some of which will never happen again as some of the bands are no longer playing together. Located in the warehouse district of Minneapolis, it’s a small, ordinary place from the outside. Some may even dismiss it upon first glance. But this is a classic case of not judging a book by its cover. During the day, Bunkers serves traditional lunch specials, such as homemade hot turkey sandwiches to those who make it their regular hangout. As the sun goes down, a slow, gradual buzz begins to take over the atmosphere. Musicians and crew begin to arrive, and set-up for the evening performance. People wander in, pay a $5 cover, find their seats, and order drinks. The menu is reduced to a gruff statement from the bartender, “Hamburgers or cheeseburgers, which do you want?” More people arrive, and the tables begin to fill. Many have experienced nights with standing room only. More musicians arrive and begin to make themselves at home on stage. The buzz turns to a dull roar as patrons greet each other and anxiously wait for the music to begin. These savvy listeners know that many nationally renowned artists have performed here, and they never know who might step up for an impromptu performance. The Bunkers stage has been graced by the likes of Jonny Lang, Patti Labelle, Donny Osmond, Prince, Bonnie Raitt, Keri Noble, The Peterson Family, and many, many others. For information about the film, and where it can be purchased, please contact:
Address: 6660 Shingle Creek Pkwy, Ste G Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 Phone: 763.503.3532 Fax: 763.503.3557 Email: Company Site: © Copyright 2003 by |