The Eerie Horror Film Festival Screenplay Competition
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2009 Eerie Horror Film Festival
Screenplay Competition

The Eerie Horror Film Festival Screenplay Competition

Deadline Entry Fee

December 15, 2008 (early)
Feb. 15, 2008
April 15, 2009
June 15, 2009
August 01, 2009

$35.00 (by 12/15/08)
$45.00 (by 2/15/09)
$55.00 (by 4/15/09)
$65.00 (by 6/15/09)
$75.00 (by 8/1/09)
Other Awards/Prizes:  $200 Best Feature/$100 Best Short/$75 Best Student (ages 10 - 17); $200 Best Feature/$100 Best Short/$75 Best Student (ages 10 - 17); All Access Passes to the 2008 Eerie Horror Film Festival, Sponsor Prizes, more TBA.
The 2009 Eerie Horror Screenplay Competition offers beginning, aspiring and veteran screenwriters in the horror genre a chance to have their work recognized by people in the industry and beyond!

The Eerie Horror Screenplay Competition is a popular and exciting component of the annual Eerie Horror Film Festival.

Student screenwriters between the ages of 10 - 17 can submit their work at a reduced rate!

The top winning screenplays in our regular category will be forwarded to agents and industry professionals for consideration.

Notification Date: by September 01, 2009.


Open to an International Audience ages 10 and up. Scripts entered script must not be or previously been sold, or produced.


Only Horror, Science Fiction, and Suspense genres will be considered.

Screenplay must be original work of the author or authors.

Multiple authorship is allowed. If such a screenplay wins, the prize will be split between the writers.

Multiple entries are allowed, but each entry must be accompanied by their own completed entry form and their own appropriate entry fee. You are allowed to mail them to us in one package to save on postage.

No corrected pages or additional pages will be accepted after the screenplay has been entered. PLEASE be sure you double check your screenplay for errors, blank pages, etc., before mailing them to us!

Submission Guidelines

  1. Submitted Scripts MUST be in English.
  2. Body pages must be correctly numbered.
  3. Script title page should only contain name of screenplay and the name of the author.

If you choose to mail your script:

  1. You MUST write the WAB tracking number on your script. (If submitting through them)
  2. Scripts must be in industry standard format and bound with 2 or 3 brads.
  3. Must be on white paper.
  4. Do not send originals as scripts will not be returned.
  5. The Eerie Horror Film Festival is not responsible for screenplays lost, stolen or damaged in transit.
  6. Please refer to your WAB Confirmation Page for any additional instructions.
Web Address:
Contact & E-mail: Greg Ropp
Contact Title: President
Organization: Eerie Horror Film Festival
PO Box 98
Edinboro, PA 16412
United States
Phone: 814.873.2483
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