My inspiration to write THE KNOCK.......
came one night while I was alone and
thinking about ghosts.
FilmMakers Magazine:
What inspired you to write?
Jason Wolfe: I liked watching scary movies and T.V. shows
growing up.
FilmMakers Magazine: How did you prepare yourself to
write your first script?
Jason Wolfe:
I started
brainstorming until I had a character, and then
wrote an outline from there.
FilmMakers Magazine: Is
this your first script and how long did it take you to write THE KNOCK?
Jason Wolfe:
No. I wrote this
script in about two or three weeks.
FilmMakers Magazine: Do you have a set routine, place and time management for writing?
Jason Wolfe:
I like to write at
FilmMakers Magazine: Do you believe screenplay contests
are important for aspiring screenwriters and why?
Jason Wolfe:
Yes, especially
with the Internet.
FilmMakers Magazine:
influenced you to enter the
American Gem Short Script Competition?
Jason Wolfe:
I saw it listed as
one of the top screenplay contests.
FilmMakers Magazine: What script would you urge aspiring writers to read and why?
Jason Wolfe:
If you like writing
horror and thrillers, anything by Richard Burton Matheson is great.
FilmMakers Magazine:
Beside screenwriting what are you
passionate about and why?
Jason Wolfe:
I like traveling, and
learning about other cultures.
FilmMakers Magazine: Who is your favorite Screenwriter
and Why?
Jason Wolfe:
Rod Serling.
Scripts like Seven Days in May, Patterns, and the Twilight Zone, all
have a great influence on me.
FilmMakers Magazine: Name
the director you would love to work with and why?
Jason Wolfe:
Christopher Nolan
is an amazing talent that I would love to see work.
FilmMakers Magazine:
Name the actor you would love to work with and why?
Jason Wolfe:
Mia Farrow. Because
Rosemary's Baby is one of my favorite
FilmMakers Magazine:
Any tips and things learned along
the way to pass on to others?