American Gem 2008 Short Screenplay Competition Winners - POKER NIGHT
  American Gem Short Screenplay Competition
2008 WINNERS  

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Paul Jaworsky

20th Place Winner

Paul Jaworsky
of Phoenix, AZ

Paul Jaworsky was born in Philadelphia, PA and currently resides in Phoenix, AZ. Paul began writing short stories after taking an honors course at Community College of Philadelphia, where he was exposed to quite a bit of Russian literature and a semester covering the Renaissance era.

After abandoning writing for about ten years, Paul decided to take up writing again, but with a new challenge of writing screenplays instead of short stories.


I knew I wanted to be a screenwriter.......  

when I finished the first draft of my first screenplay. I created something unique that nobody else could duplicate. That’s a great feeling.


I know I've succeeded.......  

when I can write screenplays for a living.


My inspiration to write POKER NIGHT.......

came out of frustration. For some strange reason, I decided to make the first screenplay I ever wrote a feature, which turned out to be quite a task. When I realized I was in over my head, I decided it was time to put the feature aside and start with something a bit shorter. I started to play solitaire on the computer, which reminded me of poker and the rest is history.




FilmMakers Magazine: What inspired you to write?

Paul Jaworsky: What inspired you to write?
My girlfriend inspired me to start writing screenplays. I was working part-time as a personal trainer and told her an idea I had about a movie involving the fast-food industry. She suggested I put it on paper and I did.

FilmMakers Magazine: How did you prepare yourself to write your first script? 

Paul Jaworsky: I read David Trottier’s Screenwriters Bible. I always knew I could write, but needed to learn how to format and structure a screenplay. The Bible was a great help.

FilmMakers Magazine: Is this your first script and how long did it take you to write POKER NIGHT?

Paul Jaworsky: Actually, I was writing three scripts simultaneously. Technically, this was my third script. I’d estimate it took about three weeks.

FilmMakers Magazine: Do you have a set routine, place and time management for writing?

Paul Jaworsky: I usually make an outline and develop a broad idea of the three acts of my script. Next, I’ll sketch out about a dozen scenes and just start to write. Currently, I do most of my writing on the couch with my laptop. As for time management, I’m horrible. I won’t write for two weeks and other times I’ll write for 12 hours straight. I need to work on that, then again, you can’t schedule inspiration.

FilmMakers Magazine: Do you believe screenplay contests are important for aspiring screenwriters and why?

Paul Jaworsky: Definitely. It’s good to measure yourself against other writers. Although judging is subjective, I believe it gives a writer an idea of how good his or her work is. Contests also give you a deadline and I believe a little bit of pressure can be a motivator.

FilmMakers Magazine:
What influenced you to enter the American Gem Short Script Competition?

Paul Jaworsky: I wanted to compete and did some research on contests. Everything I read on American Gem was positive and the contest had a great reputation. Add to that the fact the winner gets produced and the decision to enter was a no-brainer.

FilmMakers Magazine: What script would you urge aspiring writers to read and why?

Paul Jaworsky: Death To Smoochy by Adam Resnick. You’ll get hooked from the very first scene. It’s not just funny, it’s brilliant.

FilmMakers Magazine: Beside screenwriting what are you passionate about and why?

Paul Jaworsky: I love to lift weights. I’ve been a personal trainer on-and-off for over 20 years and believe in a healthy mind and a healthy body. The weights make my body strong and the writing keeps my mind sharp.

FilmMakers Magazine: Who is your favorite Screenwriter and Why?

Paul Jaworsky: I’d be hard-pressed to choose just one.

FilmMakers Magazine: Name the director you would love to work with and why?

Paul Jaworsky: Ridley Scott. I love all his work. I remember watching Blade Runner and thinking how amazing that movie was. Ever since then, I’ve followed all his work. He’s very diverse, and I like to think I am too.

FilmMakers Magazine: Name the actor you would love to work with and why?

Paul Jaworsky:
Leonardo DiCaprio. I’ve heard he has an amazing work ethic. Being around a guy like that would make me strive to be better.

FilmMakers Magazine: Any tips and things learned along the way to pass on to others?

Paul Jaworsky: To date, what I believe has helped me the most is reading other screenplays. I’d suggest joining a screenwriting community like They have a monthly contest that gives you an opportunity to read the work of fellow screenwriters, while at the same time receiving feedback on your own work. It has helped me tremendously.

FilmMakers Magazine: What's next for you?

Paul Jaworsky:
I’m currently writing an R-rated Comedy.

FilmMakers Magazine: Where will you be five years from now?

Paul Jaworsky:
I’ll be somewhere with a laptop writing my next screenplay.




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