Sponsors |
The Hitman and His Mother |
Comedy |
Art Exploiters |
Contact: Emanuel Ruggeri
Phone: +61- 2-9872- 5074 |
31 Benghazi Road
Carlingford, NSW 2118 Australia
Phone: +61-2 9872- 5074
Cast |
Pietro Antonio
Steve Grandulovic
Claudio Liucci
Josephine Giacchi |
Producer |
Director |
Screenwriter |
Emanuel Ruggeri |
Emanuel Ruggeri |
Emanuel Ruggeri |
Cinematography |
Music |
Editor |
Emanuel Ruggeri |
Dom Liucci |
Claude Liucci |
Distribution |
film rights are available |
format: Betacam SP -
Video |
Sound: Mono |
Film video
type: Betacam SP -
Ratio: |
Film School: |
A young Italian/Australian man explains how he came to be in the family "HIT" business. Director Bio: Three of Emanuel's short films,
My Brother the Queer, Mother's Bosom and The
Hitman & His Mother have screened on SBS - TV.
He received script development funding from the Australian Film Commission in 1996 for a feature script, JIM’S PLACE, for which Geoffrey Atherden was script editor, (writer of GRASS ROOTS and MOTHER & SON).
Emanuel’s last project, MY SISTER THE TREE, was financed by the New South Wales Film and Television office, Young Filmmakers Fund. A fifteen minute short made in 1998 and screened in various European film festivals.
Two of his unproduced feature scripts, JEAN GENIE, (original title: Jim’s Place), and JOSH & LOU, have been awarded at the TELLURIDE INDIEFEST ’99 as
* Screenplay Winners *.
At present, Emanuel has received "Strand A" script developing grant from the Australian Film Commission for the short feature; ANGELS OF
DARLINGHURST, working with script editor, David Hely.
Screenwriter Bio: Same
Screenings:- New York International Independent Film & Video Fest, 1998.
5th Bathurst Film & Video Fest, 1997.
Broadcast:- SBS / TV, Australia, 1997/98.
address: |
Producer |
Director |
Screenwriter |
Emanuel Ruggeri |
Emanuel Ruggeri |
Emanuel Ruggeri |
Cinematography |
Music |
Editor |
Frank Harold |
Dom Liucci |
Claude Liucci |
Distribution |
film rights are available |
format: Betacam SP -
Video |
Sound: Mono |
Film video
type: Betacam SP -
Ratio: |
Film School: |
A young man eager to make love to his girlfriend has to battle with a mosquito before she will consent to his advances. Director Bio: Three of Emanuel's short films,
My Brother the Queer, Mother's Bosom and The
Hitman & His Mother have screened on SBS - TV.
He received script development funding from the Australian Film Commission in 1996 for a feature script, JIM’S PLACE, for which Geoffrey Atherden was script editor, (writer of GRASS ROOTS and MOTHER & SON).
Emanuel’s last project, MY SISTER THE TREE, was financed by the New South Wales Film and Television office, Young Filmmakers Fund. A fifteen minute short made in 1998 and screened in various European film festivals.
Two of his unproduced feature scripts, JEAN GENIE, (original title: Jim’s Place), and JOSH & LOU, have been awarded at the TELLURIDE INDIEFEST ’99 as
* Screenplay Winners *.
At present, Emanuel has received "Strand A" script developing grant from the Australian Film Commission for the short feature; ANGELS OF
DARLINGHURST, working with script editor, David Hely.
Screenwriter Bio: Same
Screenings:- 1996 Melbourne Fringe Festival, Australia.
4th Bathurst Film & Video Fest, 1996.
"side on" Screenings, Sydney 1997.
address: |
Mother's Bosom |
Comedy |
Art Exploiters |
Contact: Emanuel Ruggeri
Phone: +61- 2-9872- 5074 |
31 Benghazi Road
Carlingford, NSW 2118 Australia
Phone: +61-2 9872- 5074
Cast |
Pietro Antonio
Steve Grandulovic |
Producer |
Director |
Screenwriter |
Emanuel Ruggeri |
Emanuel Ruggeri |
Emanuel Ruggeri |
Cinematography |
Music |
Editor |
Emanuel Ruggeri |
Dom Liucci |
Claude Liucci |
Distribution |
film rights are available |
format: Betacam SP -
Video |
Sound: Mono |
Film video
type: Betacam SP -
Ratio: |
Film School: |
A young man remembers the warmth, comfort and security of his mother's bosom as a child. But that just seems to get him into trouble now that he's grown up. Director Bio: Three of Emanuel's short films,
My Brother the Queer, Mother's Bosom and The
Hitman & His Mother have screened on SBS - TV.
He received script development funding from the Australian Film Commission in 1996 for a feature script, JIM’S PLACE, for which Geoffrey Atherden was script editor, (writer of GRASS ROOTS and MOTHER & SON).
Emanuel’s last project, MY SISTER THE TREE, was financed by the New South Wales Film and Television office, Young Filmmakers Fund. A fifteen minute short made in 1998 and screened in various European film festivals.
Two of his unproduced feature scripts, JEAN GENIE, (original title: Jim’s Place), and JOSH & LOU, have been awarded at the TELLURIDE INDIEFEST ’99 as
* Screenplay Winners *.
At present, Emanuel has received "Strand A" script developing grant from the Australian Film Commission for the short feature; ANGELS OF
DARLINGHURST, working with script editor, David Hely.
Screenwriter Bio: Same
Screenings:- Open City Film Festival, Newcastle, 1996.
4th Bathurst Film & Video Fest, 1996.
Broadcast:- SBS / TV, Australia, 1997.
address: |
My Brother the Queer |
Comedy |
Art Exploiters |
Contact: Emanuel Ruggeri
Phone: +61-2-9872- 5074 |
31 Benghazi Road
Carlingford, NSW 2118 Australia
Phone: +61-2 9872-5074
Cast |
Pietro Antonio
Olivia Frances
Jo Ruggeri
Emanuel Ruggeri |
Producer |
Director |
Screenwriter |
Emanuel Ruggeri |
Emanuel Ruggeri |
Emanuel Ruggeri |
Cinematography |
Music |
Editor |
Emanuel Ruggeri |
Dom Liucci |
Claude Liucci |
Distribution |
film rights are available |
format: Betacam
SP - Video |
Sound: Mono |
Film video
type: Betacam SP -
Ratio: |
Film School: |
What would happen if you kept dressing your little brother in dresses; popping him in the oven, the recycle bin, anything to turn him into a girl? Find out in this wacky little suburban tale. Director Bio: Three of Emanuel's short films,
My Brother the Queer, Mother's Bosom and The
Hitman & His Mother have screened on SBS - TV.
He received script development funding from the Australian Film Commission in 1996 for a feature script, JIM’S PLACE, for which Geoffrey Atherden was script editor, (writer of GRASS ROOTS and MOTHER & SON).
Emanuel’s last project, MY SISTER THE TREE, was financed by the New South Wales Film and Television office, Young Filmmakers Fund. A fifteen minute short made in 1998 and screened in various European film festivals.
Two of his unproduced feature scripts, JEAN GENIE, (original title: Jim’s Place), and JOSH & LOU, have been awarded at the TELLURIDE INDIEFEST ’99 as
* Screenplay Winners *.
At present, Emanuel has received "Strand A" script developing grant from the Australian Film Commission for the short feature; ANGELS OF
DARLINGHURST, working with script editor, David Hely.
Screenwriter Bio: Same
1994: My Brother The Queer
Screenings:- Open City Film Festival, Newcastle, 1996.
Queer Up North, Manchester, England, 1996. 1996 Melbourne Queer Film & Video Fest.
1996 Canberra Queer Film & Video Fest.
1996 Hobart Queer Film & Video Fest.
1996 "COMING OUT" Film & Video Fest, Sturt University, NSW.
Queer Screen; Finalist in the 1995 Sydney Gay and Lesbian Film Fest.
1995 St. Kilda Short Film Fest.
"TOAST GALLERY" Sydney, 1995.
‘95 Gay & Lesbian Liberation Party, Perth.
The 1994 Bathurst Film & Video Fest.
Broadcast:- Nationally on SBS, Australia, 1995 & 1996.
address: |