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2019 Filmmakers International
Screenwriting Awards Competition
To make Hollywood more
accessible than ever before to more aspiring global screenwriters,
Filmmakers is forming strategic alliances with the powers that be in Film
and TV Script Writing; who are in search of top Screenplays & Writers...
Championing Emerging Artists.
FilmMakers International
Screenwriting Awards Competition has been in existence since 2000 (formerly known as The Radmin Company / FilmMakers Screenplay Contest) and its association with
the Radmin Company has been going on since late 2000.
Film Screenplays & TV
Script Writing Categories
(script genre can be: Action, Adventure, Thriller, Horror, Supernatural, Sci-Fi, Animation,
Fantasy, Mystery, and/or Suspense, etc)
Launch Your
Screenwriting Career. Enter
2019 Top Screenplay Contest Now!
Filmmakers International Screenwriting Awards Competition is judged by
Hollywood's Leading Film & TV Exec's who search for Top Scripts & Writers.
Awards & Prizes
Top 50 Screenplays READ by
Representation and
Production Consideration
A) $2,500 (USD) +
B) Coverage by Greenlight Script Coverage +
C) a copy of Movie Magic's Screenwriter by Write Brothers +
D) Emerging Artist Trophy Award for Best Screenplay of the Year +
E) an Official Selection laurel*
A) $500 (USD) +
B) a copy of Movie Magic Screenwriter by Write Brothers +
D) Emerging Artist Award Certificate* for Best Screenplay in a category
E) an Official Selection laurel*
A) $500 (USD) +
B) a copy of Movie Magic Screenwriter by Write Brothers +
D) Emerging Artist Award Certificate* for Best Screenplay in a category
E) an Official Selection laurel*
A) Emerging Artist Award Certificate* for 2nd
Best Screenplay in a category
B) an Official Selection laurel*
A) Emerging Artist Award Certificate* for 3rd
Best Script in a category
B) an Official Selection laurel*
A) Certificate of Achievement Award***
‘Most screenwriting competitions give
writers a chance to win prizes and money. That’s cool but what writer’s REALLY
want is for someone to make their script into a film. Filmmakers awards prizes
and money but more importantly, it gives writers exposure to industry
personnel who can actually take the script from the page to the screen. That
exposure sets Filmmakers apart.
Heather Ferrell
‘Filmmakers’ was one of three competitions a friend in the industry
Debra Vance
Script Magazine and HollywoodLitSales comment on this contest from time to
time. After entering it once, I was hooked by the professionalism of the staff
and by the feedback provided through the announcement of results. It matters
knowing at what point your script falls short, if it does. It helps the
learning process.
M.D. McCarthy
FilmMakers has an excellent reputation in the contest circuit, and has
lived up to it. FilmMakers also offers more than just cash prizes, though we
love those, too. Getting our scripts into the hands of people who can make
them into movies is the real prize.
Anita Skibski
A lot of the competitions out there are for cash prizes only.
FilmMakers.com was one of the few that really encompasses everything a writer
strives for. With FilmMakers, you enter into the competitive realm of
Hollywood with the ability to get your script read by professionals in the
industry, with the chance to obtain representation. It’s also one of the few
forums that does not discriminate on geographical location. The contest is
open to writers from around the world so you are literally competing against
the best.
Jud Richards
Thank you and everyone else at Filmmakers.com for all you've done on my
behalf so far. I am indeed truly grateful... I'm very pleasantly surprised by
all the activity your contest has generated... Almost immediately after THE
SECRET BOY became a winner in your contest, it was optioned by KONK
Productions and director Chris Koch (whose feature credits include "Snow Day"
and "A Guy Thing")... I want to thank you once again for running such a
terrific contest - it's really helped make a difference.
Whit Rummel
This is one of the few verifiably good-intentioned, astute and rewarding
competitions out here, where there is a genuine intention for the good and
favor of the writer. It’s not about taking advantage.... There is a sincere
commitment to see the committed writer succeed with the FilmMakers.com & the
Radmin company screenwriting contest. And at best they want to be your
benefactor. And at worst, the conduit to your inevitable success. What more
can one ask?
Damilola Olorunnisola
There aren’t many contests run by people who actually know what it takes to
write a script someone might want to produce. FilmMakers and The Radmin
Company are both grounded in the realities of filmmaking.
Lorelei Armstrong
It's always nice (and rare!) to get such positive feedback..... Just wanted
to drop you a note of good news and thanks. After winning the filmmakers.com
contest, I've had a lot of doors open to me that were previously unthinkable.
More specifically, thanks in part to the contest win, combined with the
interview on the filmmakers.com website I was able to pitch a romantic comedy
idea to Harbor Light Entertainment -- and this month they optioned it. (Harbor
Light currently has a deal at Paramount with Morgan Freeman attached). I'm not
sure I would have been able to get the attention I got if not for your
contest. So, thanks again for all your hard work!!! I really appreciate it.
Christian Parkes
My experience from last year’s entry in American Gem, an off-shoot
competition for shorts managed by FilmMakers, was handled very well. Secondly,
based on personal feedback, Moviebytes lists FilmMakers as one of the best run
and most influential. The other thing is the depth of prizes. Many contests
only offer first, second and third, FilmMakers lists numerous as well as
having the Top 20 and Top 10. This makes a difference when you approach
someone with your script.
Marc Calderwood
Notification date: 1st round qualifiers
notified on October 31st.
Screenwriting Awards Contest Rules &
This document (hereinafter "The Rules" or "Rules"), equally and
severely. is legally binding upon the parties thereto.
The Rules apply to any writer or
Screenwriter, or Screenwriters
representative of or representing a
Screenwriter or Screenwriters, and/or parent or guardian to a writer /
screenwriter or writers / screenwriters (hereinafter "I" or "We" or
"He" or "She" or "Submitter" or "Applicant" or "Applicants"), who
submit a script or screenplay or scripts or screenplays, teleplay or
teleplays (hereinafter "Submission" or "Material" or "Work" or "Works"
or "Literary Material" or "Literary Materials") for consideration into
the Filmmakers International Screenwriting Awards Competition
(hereinafter "Competition" or "The Contest" or "Filmmakers.com" or
screenplaycontest.net or "You" or "Yours") for an entry fee
(hereinafter "fee").
This contest is open to
any screenwriter (world wide) except all employees, directors,
associates and, the immediate families of: FilmMakers.com, Filmmakers
International Screenwriting Awards Competition, ScreenplayContest.Net,
American Gem Literary Festival, The Radmin Company, Write Brothers,
contest judges, all the affiliates and sponsors.
I have supplied truthful and accurate information in my entry form.
I represent and warrant that the material that I have submitted is
mine, I own full copyright. Furthermore, I own individually, or
together with those other persons executing this agreement, this work,
that the screenplay is free of all claims or encumbrances, and that I
have the exclusive right and authority to offer the material to you
for your competition, upon the terms and conditions set forth herein,
and none of the rights granted herein will libel or defame any third
party or otherwise violate the rights of any third party, whether
under copyright or otherwise. Furthermore:
Screenwriters under the age of 18 years old must have a parent or
guardian fill the entry form read and accept all the terms and
conditions of the competition.
Contest applicants must accept without reservation the decisions
rendered by the jurors.
Screenwriter understands that it is his/her sole responsibility to
register Material with the U.S. Copyright Office and/or with the
Writer’s Guild of America or equivalent in his/her country.
Screenwriter has retained at least one copy of the submitted
material, and understands that all material we receive cannot and will
not be returned under any circumstances.
Applicant understands that FilmMakers.com and its affiliates are
exposed to many stories, ideas, concepts and other literary materials,
through the contest, coverage service and via other means. Furthermore
Screenwriter understands that many stories, ideas, and concepts
are similar or identical, and that different stories, ideas, and
concepts frequently relate to one or more common underlying themes and
may closely resemble other works.
Applicant understand and agree that he/she will not be entitled to any
compensation or other consideration because of the use of such similar
or identical material, stories, ideas, and/or concepts that may have
come to FilmMakers.com or their affiliates. Screenwriter hereby
release FilmMakers.com and its affiliates from any and all claims,
liabilities and demands that may be made by said Screenwriter
asserting that FilmMakers.com or the affiliates have used or
appropriated The Submission, or any portion thereof.
Script must be in industry standard format, in English and must be
between 80-125 pages and no longer than 160 pages. Font must be
12-point Courier, Courier New or Courier Final Draft.
All Work must be submitted online by the Final Deadline and the
appropriate fee paid and settled by due date.
FilmMakers International Screenwriting Awards / FilmMakers.com is not
responsible for late or lost submissions.
Submissions must be full-length film or television movie scripts in
any genre.
Multiple entries are permissible (limit of five per applicant).
Once a script has been entered, no substitutions of new drafts or
corrected pages will be considered. An applicant has the option to
submit a revised draft of the work as a new submission or as a
resubmission and pay the appropriate fee.
If the script is based on a true story, historical or contemporary,
that should be noted on the title page.
Collaborative work is eligible. The Screenwriter is responsible for
the distribution of the contest prize (s).
Adaptations from other works are permissible (should be noted on the
title page), provided the Screenwriter's written permission to adapt
the work is secured and available upon request.
The screenplay must not have been previously optioned, sold, or
produced. That includes: any top screenplay in the competition,
runner-up, finalist, semifinalist, top film script writer in this
reputable top screenplay contest.
Applicant must not have received consideration in excess of $6,000 as
a prize in a previous competition for the work being submitted; that
may include: an option, a "first look" clause or any quid pro
involving same.
An applicant’s single year total earnings for motion picture and TV
writing may not exceed $10,000 USD. This limit applies to compensation
for motion picture and TV writing services, including the sale of, or
sale of an option to, Screenplays, teleplays and/or any literary
material source.
Writer understands and accepts without reservation that he/she/ is an
independent contractor and FilmMakers.com is not responsible for
withholding any taxes or payments to any government agency, at any
level, be it state/provincial, local or federal in any country.
If writer is a finalist or semifinalist he/she/they agree to give
FilmMakers.com the permission to post on any of its web sites, the
script's logline, synopsis, excerpts, photo, writer's bio and
interview (Q & A).
Writer may submit his/her/their screenplay to any other person,
contest, producer, agent, and/or organization.
Entering this contest will not limit writer's copyright in any way.
Writer retains all rights (100%) to his/her/their property.
It is writer's responsibility to provide and check and keep personal
contact information up to date, including a required valid e-mail
address, current mailing address, phone number, etc, that writer
provided to the contest during the sign-up process. FilmMakers.com has
no responsibility for communications that are misdirected as a result
of screewriter (s) failure to provide FilmMakers.com with updated
contact information.
I have read and understand the Contest Rules and the FilmMakers.com
Terms of Use of the Website (http://filmmakers.com/disclaimer.htm) as
well as comply and agree full with all the contest Rules and the
website Terms of Use. By adding my name to the online entry form,
knowing that this is a legal document, and submitting my material
signifies that I have completely read and agree in full with all the
above terms as well as the website Terms and Conditions. I am taking
full responsibility and liability for any and all my actions.
Furthermore, I indemnify The Radmin Company and FilmMakers.com, all
the affiliates, www.FilmMakers.com, Media Pro Tech Inc., sponsors,
agents, consultants, judges of and from any and all claims (direct or
indirect) or third parties, loss or liability, whether or not
groundless, that may be asserted against you or incurred by you or any
of your associates, at any time in connection with said material.
(Digital format)
(Digital format)
***The Radmin Company, a Beverly Hills literary management and
production company and they represent screenwriters, directors and
writer/directors including Todd Alcott (ANTZ, WONDER WOMAN, SAMURAI
JACK), Cinco Paul & Ken Daurio (SANTA CLAUSE ll, BUBBLE BOY), Trey
NIAGARA), Michael Lindsay-Hogg (LET IT BE, OBJECT OF BEAUTY), Johannes
Runeborg & Johan Brännström (SLEEPWALKER), and Victoria Arch (DIRTY
DANCING: HAVANA NIGHTS). The Radmin Company has produced TWISTED for
Paramount (directed by Philip Kaufman, starring Ashley Judd, Samuel L.
Jackson, and Andy Garcia), THE NEXT BEST THING, also for Paramount
(directed by John Schlesinger, starring Rupert Everett and Madonna),
and the big screen version of THE FANTASTICKS for MGM.
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Important disclaimer
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1999-2019 by FilmMakers.com. All rights reserved.
is a division of Media Pro Tech Inc.
