Title: "Backup"
Based On: Original Screenplay
By: Sandra Cook Jerome
A Medical Thriller
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When a dying doctor develops a procedure to "backup" his mind to a computer, a young single mother suspects her son has become the next step in the experiment.
Susan Fry is at the beach enjoying a rare peaceful moment away from her demanding job. She is watching contentedly as Matthew, her son, plays catch with their cocker spaniel, Tags. Suddenly, Matthew collapses and is taken to the renowned institute where both he and Susan had physical examinations the week before.

Matthew has a life threatening blood clot and must have immediate brain surgery. This institute has developed a procedure that records all the data that is stored in your brain onto a CD-ROM. If something goes wrong during the surgery that damages the brain tissue, the person’s mind can be restored back into the brain. 

Susan is wary about this procedure, but is reassured by one of the developers and head of the institute, Dr. Samuals that it is quite safe. Susan is also comforted by Matthew's doctor, Dr. Daniel Talbot, who is developing a strong attraction not only to Susan, but also to his animated and exceptionally gifted patient, Matthew.

Unfortunately, there is a malfunction with the equipment during the simple backup procedure and Matthew falls into a coma. They decide to go ahead with the brain surgery to remove the clot and restore the data that was taken prior to the malfunction.

There is a mix-up on the surgery schedule and when Dr. Talbot arrives at the hospital the next morning, he finds that Dr. Samuals has almost completed the operation without him. He is puzzled why Dr. Samuals didn't wait, but is coldly reminded that hospitals have schedules to maintain.

Matthew makes a remarkable recovery and maneuvers his mother into having dinner with Dr. Talbot. Over dinner, Susan learns that Dr. Talbot is also divorced and very dedicated to his job. Susan confides in Dr. Talbot the details of her painful divorce from Matthew's father. Unable to endure the endless thanks and praises from Susan, Dr. Talbot confesses that he didn't actually perform the surgery that removed Matthew's blood clot. Susan is disappointed that he didn't tell her soon, but Dr. Talbot explains the mix-up and his obvious embarrassment.

A few days later, Susan takes Matthew home from the hospital where her mother is waiting anxiously to see Matthew. Also waiting is an excited Tags who jumps up on Matthew. Annoyed, Matthew pushes Tags away and abruptly goes into his room to be alone.

Susan and Dr. Talbot have their first date and share a tender moment until Susan’s mother turning on the porch light interrupts them.

Susan starts investigating the merger with Narita much to the dismay of her boss, Mike. Mike insinuates that Susan is withholding her accountant’s report on the merger as a form of revenge over their past relationship. Susan, Dr. Talbot and Susan attend a baseball game where Matthew demonstrates his recent irate behavior. Matthew's distant behavior continues for the next month causing Susan to become concerned. 

After Matthew's next examination with Dr. Talbot, Susan expresses her concerns. Susan feels that Dr. Talbot doesn't take her concerns seriously and starts to do some investigating herself. She enlists the aid of a computer whiz kid, Jeremy who works on getting Susan into the computer at the institute. Meanwhile Susan makes arrangements to meet Dr. Talbot for dinner and arrives early enough to go through his files. Dr. Talbot discovers Susan and accuses her of possibly trying to spy on the behalf of her company who is the middle of a merger involving the institute. He goes further to suggest that maybe he should follow Dr. Samuals' advice and refrain from seeing Susan. Enraged, Susan walks out on Dr. Talbot as Dr. Samuals watches from the shadows. Dr. Samuals comforts Dr. Talbot and dismisses his concerns about Matthew. When Susan arrives home, she is shocked when she overhears Matthew on the phone discussing a highly technical procedure. 

Susan finds out the results of a research that she requested on the merger. Her company, a software company, is merging with a pioneer in robotics. Narita is also merging with the institute where she and Matthew were required to have their annual physical medical exams and where the backup procedure was performed. Meanwhile Dr. Talbot starts reviewing the files of the recent backup procedures. He is alarmed when he cannot find the blood clot on the original X-rays of Matthew and other backup patients. When Dr. Talbot persists in his investigation, Dr. Samuals has security seize him.

Susan enters the institute on the pretense of meeting Dr. Talbot and is surprised to find out that he has been transferred and left with saying goodbye. She asks to be allowed into his office to retrieve a book she loaned him and takes that opportunity to access the computer system. She is shocked to find Dr. Talbot scheduled for a backup procedure. Susan quickly heads down to the operating room and releases Dr. Talbot from his restraints. Although he is sedated, he mumbles enough information to let Susan know that Matthew is in danger also. Dr. Samuals and Matthew are in his office watching their progress down the corridor. When they arrive at his office, Dr. Samuals is prepared and hits Susan on the back of her head. Matthew grabs a syringe prepared by Dr. Samuals and holds it up against her neck. Susan pleads with Matthew to find the part of him that is still her son. Matthew becomes confused and Dr. Samuals lunges towards the syringe. The scene ends with Dr. Samuals dying and Matthew holding his hand.

Susan continues her relationship with Dr. Talbot who has successfully restored Matthew back to his old self. Her work relationship with Mike worsens and ends with a threat from Mike to either complete the report favorably towards the Narita merger or lose her job. Matthew finds a CD in his backpack that reveals that Dr. Samuals was successful in restoring his brain to Dr. Talbot also. He enlists the aid of Jeremy to find Susan and Dr. Talbot, who have taken off for a picnic. Dr. Talbot stops at the institute first with an excuse to pick up a bottle of wine. 

Meanwhile Mike explains to a coworker that the Narita merger will succeed because he has taken steps to take care of Susan. Matthew and Jeremy bust in on Susan and Dr. Talbot who are now in the operating room. Thinking they are just in time, they discover that Susan has managed to take care of things herself and restore Dr. Talbot back to his old self. Mike comes in at the last moment and the group contemplates giving him a new brain.
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