Filmmakers Global Movie Trailer Festival

Championing International Movie Trailer

The 5th Global Trailer Film Festival

Submission Payment


Trailer Submission fee (if running time is 90 seconds or less) $34

Trailer Submission fee (if running time is 91 seconds to 4.5 min) $39

Short film Submission fee (if running time is 2 to 15 minutes) $45

Short film Submission fee (if running time is 15:01 to 49 minutes)  $55

Once you complete this step you'll be forwarded to the submission form.


Running Time
Project Title
Name of Submitter

Soundtrack Submission fee (if 30 minutes or less): $29

Soundtrack Submission fee (if longer than 30 minutes but less than 70 minutes): $35

Song Submission fee (audio) $35

If lyrics are in text format please add in the SYNOPSIS section of entry form or send text file containing lyrics via email to 


Project Length
Project Title
Name of Submitter


Screenplay Submissions CLICK HERE



Click here for the Student Submission Form  >    


STUDENTS: To qualify for the student discount be prepared to provide proof of student status. Any of the following will suffice: Current (2018/2019) Student Photo ID Card or Transcript or a letter from the head of the department in Film, Writing, or any other Creative arts program; or letter from the Dean of Students. 


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